Thursday, May 2, 2019

An Interview with Hugh Howey, author of Wool

Hugh Howey
Author of Wool
Robyn and I were super thrilled to have the opportunity to interview bestselling author Hugh Howey for our May 2 episode of Tipsy Nerds Book Club. Hugh is the author of Wool, the 2011 self-published book that made Hugh a publishing sensation.

Hugh parlayed his publishing success into the life of his dreams. He is currently living aboard his boat, Wayfinder, and is sailing around the world. We had a chance to catch up with Hugh while he was docked in Brisbane, Australia.

This was a particularly tipsy episode! Check it out:

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Get Your Wool Pads, We're Going to Cleaning, with Special Guest Hugh Howey

May 02, 2019

Natalie Wright, Robyn Dabney, Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey is the special guest this week on Tipsy Nerds Book Club. The Tipsy Nerds discuss Hugh's international bestseller, Wool, and Hugh's adventures while sailing around the world in his boat, Wayfinder. This week's featured cocktail is a flaming, layered shooter inspired by the stratified world of the silo, and is called the "Silo 17". Natalie is sipping a new take on an Old Fashioned, Hugh's cocktail of choice, while Hugh grabbed what was in the fridge at 6 am! Stay tuned until the end for the May contest announcement.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

The drinks for this episode are both fun and delicious. Hugh's favorite cocktail is an Old Fashioned, so we created a new take on an old drink. You can check out the recipe for "Howey's Old Fashioned" on the Tipsy Nerds website. And inspired by the stratified existence of the dwellers of the silo, Robyn created the "Silo 17 Shooter", a super strong flaming cocktail! Drink at your own risk!

The "Howey Old Fashioned" in honor of Hugh Howey, author of Wool

The "Silo 17 Shooter", inspired by Wool by Hugh Howey

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Don't Panic! The Tipsy Nerds Guide to the Universe

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
featured in Episode 3 of Tipsy Nerds Book Club Podcast
I can’t believe we’ve already got Episode 3 of the Tipsy Nerds Book Club podcast out! It feels like just a few weeks ago that I had the idea for this podcast, and Robyn and I have spent over three months learning how to podcast and creating the first few episodes.

We are having a blast reading the books, experimenting with drink recipes to create the best one for the episode, and then, of course, nerding out together about these great Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories.

This episode was particularly fun. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has a recipe within the story for the Galaxy’s best cocktail: the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. The one we came up with is super tasty, but be warned—it will knock you on your backside if you drink too many or too fast! I think we achieved the "brain smashed in by a lemon peel wrapped around a gold brick."

You can subscribe on iTunes here, or listen on GooglePlay here.

And, we’re nerding out this week about Game of Thrones, Season 8, and preparing for the upcoming carnage we all fear is coming. Who lives? Who dies? Will there even be an Iron Throne left? Nerd out with us and hear my favorite fan theory for what happens to Cersei in our latest YouTube video (see below).

Thanks for checking it out :-)
Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Don’t Panic! The Tipsy Nerds Guide to the Universe

April 25, 2019

The Tipsy Nerds - Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds feature The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and compare the iconic, British book to both the mini-series and movie by the same name. The drink of the episode is, of course, the best cocktail in the galaxy, the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster! Grab your towel, don't panic, and prepare for your head to feel like your brains have been smashed by a lemon peel wrapped around a gold brick! 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

If you’re a fan of Science Fiction & Fantasy stories, and of tasty beverages, then this new podcast is for you!

My podcasting partner Robyn Dabney and I have created a fun podcast that combines the best of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, nerding out and combined it with tasty craft cocktails.

The result?

The Tipsy Nerds Book Club podcast.

Each week we read one of the books from the NPR Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy stories list (as voted by their listeners). We recreate a cocktail from the book—or, if the book doesn't mention alcohol—we invent a cocktail inspired by the story. Then we drink the cocktail while we podcast.

Our podcast will also feature fabulous authors as guest hosts or we’ll interview authors of the books we feature.

We’re so excited to announce that the amazing Hugh Howey, author of the international bestseller Wool, will join us as a guest for Episode 4. Can’t wait to hear what Hugh has been up to in the land down under—and what he’s working on now.

Hugh Howey, author of Wool
Wool, by Hugh Howey

Robyn loves styling the drinks. Here’s one of her amazing photos of our take on the White Walker drink:

White Walker cocktail, inspired by A Game of Thrones
by George RR Martin. Photo ©RS Dabney, 2019

The show officially premiers April 11, 2019, with Episode 1: Huzzah! Winter is Coming, but you can get a preview of what’s to come with our trailer episode here:

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Ascenditure with Robyn Dabney

May 14, 2024

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

In a special episode of Tipsy Nerds, Natalie welcomes co-host Robyn as her guest to discuss Robyn's new book, The Ascenditure (May 2024), a thrilling feminist mountain climbing fantasy story! Hear all about Robyn's new book, including what inspired her to create this fascinating world, badass mountain climbing characters, and more. Fans of TNBC don't want to miss this one!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle

March 28, 2024

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Nerds are dipping into an old-school hard sci-fi book—The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle, a 1957 classic of British sci-fi. When a giant cloud of interstellar matter races toward the center of our solar system, the fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of an elite gathering of scientists. Join the Nerds in their discussion of this unusual sci-fi story, and hear a nerd trivia tidbit about the author.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

New Rock New Role with Guest Richard Sparks

March 14, 2024

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney, Richard Sparks

In this episode, the Nerds welcome guest author Richard Sparks to discuss his new book, New Rock, New Role, a fantasy book described as “Ready Player One meets Lord of the Rings meets Discworld.” After a long quest, you need a tasty cocktail, and Robyn has created one for this episode. Natalie was happy to see bourbon in this cocktail recipe that Robyn calls “New  Quest, New Quencher.”

Fans of comedic fantasy like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy will want to listen to this episode and learn more about this new author in the fantasy genre.  And Nerds who love RPGs won't want to miss this conversation.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

February 14, 2024

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

In this episode, the Nerds discuss the beloved cult classic book (and movie), The Princess Bride (©1973 by William Goldman). Billed as a “classic tale of True Love and High Adventure,” the Nerds chat about romance, adventure, swashbuckling pirates, loveable sidekicks, and of course famous quotes—“I am Inigo Montoya…”
Listeners, we want to hear your thoughts on this one! After you listen, pop over to social and give us your comments on the various questions we posed in this episode.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Stardust by Neil Gaiman

January 18, 2024

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Nerds welcome 2024 by reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Charles Vess. Subtitled "Being a Romance with the Realms of Faerie," the Nerds are sipping a lovely, glittering gin drink while they discuss little hairy men, unicorns, flying pirate ships, falling stars, and a man who becomes a doormouse. By the end of the episode, the Nerds may have more questions than answers about this Gaiman book, so they pose some questions to listeners.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

A Christmas Carol by Dickens, with guest R.A. Busby

December 21, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney, R.A. Busby

We’re drinking the Nog of Christmas Yet to Come with our guest, author R.A. Busby, while we discuss the winter holiday classic, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. R.A. is a horror writer, so her perspective perfectly fits this spooky, ghostly holiday tale. So fill your nog cug and join the conversation as we chat Dickens' forever-relevant holiday masterpiece.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Witch King, with author guest Martha Wells

December 07, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney, Martha Wells

The Nerds are excited to welcome Hugo and Nebula award-winning writer Martha Wells, author of the beloved Murderbot Diaries and now a new epic fantasy—Witch King. We hope you enjoy hearing our conversation with Martha as we dive into Witch King. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Descendant Machine with Gareth L. Powell

October 19, 2023

Natalie Wright, Robyn Dabney, Gareth L. Powell

We're sipping a San Diego Sunset while we explore the far reaches of space in this sci-fi episode with special guest, author Gareth L. Powell. Robyn and I have followed Gareth on social for a while now, so it was a real pleasure to chat with him about his latest book. And what a great read it is! Chock full of all the things we love about sci-fi—futuristic tech, relatable characters, exploration, and intelligent spaceships. We especially enjoyed our discussion with Gareth about his take on AI—we think he just coined a new term. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we enjoyed recording it.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Star Bringer—With Special Guests Tracy Wolff & Nina Croft

September 21, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Welcome to Season 5 of the Tipsy Nerds Book Club! The Nerds are excited to open their new season with special guests, bestselling authors Tracy Wolff and Nina Croft, authors of the new sci-fi romance STAR BRINGER (2023). We're sipping purple space-inspired, purple cocktails and discussing the book described as Firefly meets the Breakfast Club. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

SILO, the Apple TV+ show based on Hugh Howey's bestselling novel, WOOL

August 03, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Nerds are happy to once again discuss Hugh Howey's amazing worldbuilding in this episode discussing SILO, the Apple TV+ production of Howey's bestselling book, WOOL. Listeners may recall that the Nerds had Hugh Howey as a guest on the show in episode 4 of season 1 in 2019.  What a fun episode that was! Lots of bourbon and tequila involved (and a Texas windstorm that left Robyn with no internet for half of the show!). SILO does not disappoint. So pour a drink and catch up with the Nerds as they chat briefly about Silo, and about what's next for the show.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

John Dies at the End by Jason Pargin

May 28, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tispy Nerds close out their Season 4 by discussing a listener recommendation JOHN DIES AT THE END, by Jason Pargin. The Nerds are sipping strong cocktails called The Sauce in honor of the trippy drug that leads to the adventure in the book.
Billed as a comedy/horror novel, Natalie asks Robyn if the book was funny or scary, or both? Mix a drink and join this discussion of a "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure—meets—Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" romp.
The Nerds also give a short preview of what's in store for Season 5 of Tipsy Nerds, and hints of a bonus episode that will release in the summer of 2023.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Three-Body Problem and Three Boozy Cocktails

April 30, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Nerds welcome guest Jason Rico from the Sh*t We've Read podcast to help us wrap our minds around the modern masterpiece of sci-fi, The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin. We're sipping boozy cocktails while we ponder the three-body problem, warfare in eleven dimensions, and whaleiens. A fun discussion about one of the most important and thought-provoking books the Nerds have ever featured. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Season of the Dragon with guest Natalie Wright

March 29, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Robyn Dabney pilots this episode as we celebrate the release of Season of the Dragon, a new epic fantasy from our own Natalie Wright. Robyn created an amazing cocktail she's calling the Nixan Fig to get us in the mood for this epic new dragon story. Listen to find out what Robyn thought of the book and to hear Natalie's inspiration for the story. Hika!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler

February 23, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

We poured a strong drink we're calling a Pyro Potable for this amazing but bleak book. Parable isn't a fun, light-hearted beachy read, but the kind of book that you feel like a better human being because you read it. We're peeling this onion and perhaps have more questions than answers in this episode—so listen in, then find us on social and help us out! What did you all think of this book? And if you have answers to our questions, we want to hear them! 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch with special guest CD Tavenor

January 26, 2023

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Nerds are stepping into quantum conundrums with a bestselling sci-fi thriller, Dark Matter, by Blake Crouch. This 2016 book was optioned by Sony for the screen. Hear what the Tipsy Nerds and their guest, author CD Tavenor, thought of Crouch's treatment of the multiverse theory of quantum physics. The libations need to be strong to wrap our heads around this one, so pour yourself a strong one and strap in!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Enjoying the Bleak Midwinter, the Darkest Night with Robyn Dabney and The Utburd

December 21, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Nerds are sipping spiked hot cocoa and a drink inspired by the horror of The Utburd, a new story by our own Robyn Dabney, the first story in a new Gothic Horror anthology, Bleak Midwinter: The Darkest Night. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket, spike that coffee or cocoa with something to warm the cockles, and dive into a great new addition to midwinter reading lists.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Dream of the Endless: The Sandman by Neil Gaiman

December 01, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Nerds invite you to the world of Dream as they discuss the graphic novel that put Gaiman on the map: The Sandman, first published by DC Comics in 1988. The Tipsy Nerds are sipping luscious, creamy cocktails, one with absinthe, the other with tequila. Shaken or stirred, mix it up and join the conversation about this enchanting story. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Rings of Power: Doing Tolkien Proud or a Billion Dollar Bomb?

November 10, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

You all know Robyn is a LotR super fan, so of course, we've got to have a chat about Amazon Original's production of Rings of Power. What did the Nerds think of it? Does Robyn think the show does Tolkien proud? Natalie doesn't know a harfoot from a hippie, so what were her thoughts of the production?
You have to stick around for the 35+ minute mark to hear what Natalie said about Jeff Bezos that Robyn still regrets hearing due to the image it left in her mind! 
Grab a beverage and join the conversation. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Sipping Banjax and Bitter: Slade House by David Mitchell

October 27, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Welcome to Season 4 of TNBC! We begin the new season with a literary haunted house tale that's short but hits the sweet spot. Join Robyn and Natalie as they sip cocktails and dig deep into the layers of this seductive tale of lost souls.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Season 4 Trailer

October 24, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

We’re back! In this trailer, the Nerds preview the books and shows they'll feature in the upcoming Season 4 of the Tipsy Nerds Book Club podcast. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

April 08, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

The Nerds are ready for a whimsical read, and who does modern fables, myth, and magic better than Neil Gaiman? Join the Nerds as they discuss Gaimain's first novel, Neverwhere, released in 1996. Robyn has lots of questions for listeners in this episode, and is on the hunt for any information you have about a particular line in the book and how it may—or may not—relate to Neuromancer, the 1984 book by William Gibson. Are you nerdy enough to answer her questions? Listen to find out.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Green Knight

March 25, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

Sipping drinks called Knight's Honor and Green Death, Robyn and Natalie discuss the 2021 release, Green Knight, starring Dev Patel. Unsure whether the movie is a mess or a masterpiece, the Tipsy Nerds break it down. Naked giants, a talking fox, and a "violated green sash"? The Nerds are tackling a movie unlike anything else in the fantasy film genre. Is it too big a detour from the 14th-century source material, or is it a brilliant commentary on the modern-day? Listen to the episode then join us on social to share your thoughts on the Green Knight.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Convergence is Nigh: Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse

March 04, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

This week the Nerds are excited to discuss a fascinating new epic fantasy story while they sip cocktails inspired by the book. Join the Nerds as they chat about Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse. Robyn says the novel has one of the best opening chapters she's ever read, and both Natalie and Robyn thought the last third of the book was unputdownable. Like so many authors and stories, though, this one isn't without some controversy and/or detractors, and the Nerds discuss that as well. What are your thoughts on Black Sun?

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Marvel’s Newest Arrow in its Hits Quiver: Hawkeye

February 18, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

Is Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, anyone’s favorite Avenger? Well he wasn’t the favorite for either Natalie or Robyn, but they may be changing their minds after watching the newest addition to the rich Marvel cinematic universe: Hawkeye, starring Jeremy Renner.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

DUNE, the book by Frank Herbert

February 04, 2022

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

In this episode, the Tipsy Nerds tackle the massive book, Dune by Frank Herbert. Second time was the charm for Robyn who attempted a read of this tome a few years back but set it aside. This time she enjoyed the ride, and in this episode shares what she loved about Dune. While Natalie appreciated the world-building and respects the book's legacy, she had some issues. Join the conversation and pop over to social to share your thoughts on this classic epic.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Krampus the Yule Lord & Santa Memories with the Tipsy Nerds

December 03, 2021

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

Join the Tipsy Nerds for a fun holiday episode discussing one of their new favorite holiday stories, Krampus, the Yule Lord by Brom (©2012). Left to rot in a cave for over 800 years, Krampus is back and intends to get revenge against Santa Claus. Natalie was surprised that the story never veered into campiness, and Robyn enjoyed the overall message of the story. The Nerds share a few Santa stories of their own, and invite listeners to share their holiday stories—comic, tragic, or sublime! This is a fun holiday episode you won't want to miss. And Krampus may just become one of your new holiday must-reads.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Sipping Spice in the Desert: DUNE, the Movie

November 12, 2021

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

The Tipsy Nerds tackle this big movie while sipping a libation they call Spice. The Nerds have some mixed feelings about this one, and the "Spice" inspires some giggle-worthy tangents. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Play Hotel California and Sing Along: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

October 29, 2021

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

The Tipsy Nerds share their excitement for the newest addition to the Marvel Universe of films, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. The Nerds discuss what makes this movie work and how it builds anticipation for the next installment. The Nerds thought the Marvel experience was feeling flat, but this movie renews excitement for the  Marvel experience. The Nerds end the episode with questions for listeners—and stay to the end for their first-ever blooper reel. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Swilling Swamp Water and Wrestling Gators in Swamplandia!

October 15, 2021

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield with Jenn Czep

Join the Tipsy Nerds along with a special guest, author Jenn Czep, in this voyage through the Florida swamps as they discuss the Pulitzer nominated book Swamplandia!, by Karen Russell. The Tipsy Nerds are torn about whether to relegate this novel to the rubbish bin or pronounce it brilliant. It strays from the Nerds' usual fare but gave the ladies lots to discuss in this raucous and certainly tipsy episode.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Lockdowns and Nowhere to Go—Tipsy Nerd Style! (aka Pandemic Media Binge)

October 01, 2021

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

Curious about what the Nerds were up to during their hiatus? Robyn packed a lot into 18 months and in this episode, she shares the details. Plus the Tipsy Nerds chat about their favorite Netflix/HBO binges, movies, and books that filled the days of lockdowns and pandemic quarantines. From Godzilla to Black Mirror and lots of great stuff in between.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Red Wine & A Great Book: The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin

September 17, 2021

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield

The Tipsy Nerds are back! Season 3 of the show begins with a knock-out of a book: The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin.  The Nerds are sipping red wine and getting back into the podcast groove. Pour a glass and join them in geeking out over this amazing, Hugo award-winning book.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Vodka, Toilet Paper & Cheap Wine: Corona 2020 Special

April 09, 2020

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

What do Tipsy Nerds do during a pandemic and social distancing? Binge-watch Netflix, drink cheap wine and vodka and grow increasingly concerned about how accurate dystopian fiction is to our present situation. Join us for a special episode about Corona.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Allomancing the Stone: Mistborn, with guest PL Tavormina

March 05, 2020

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds welcome guest PL Tavormina, author of the book Aeorvoyant, as we discuss another book from the NPR Top 100 Sci-Fi and Fantasy books: Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. For this episode, we're sipping a misty-looking drink that's a fresh take on an Aviator. If you love epic fantasy, this is a must-listen episode!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

A Blade so Black with LL McKinney

February 20, 2020

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney, LL McKinney

In this episode, the Tipsy Nerds welcome guest L.L. McKinney, author of A Blade So Black and A Dream so Dark, part of the Nightmare-verse series. If you like love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Alice in Wonderland, you'll love McKinney's books. And our fruity rum cocktail meant a fun time with this author we'd love to hang out with in person. A must not miss episode!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Big Brother's Watching! Sipping Victory Gin with Terence Hawkins: 1984

February 06, 2020

Natalie Wright & Robyn Scofield, feat. Terence Hawkins

In this episode, the Tipsy Nerds welcome guest Terence Hawkins, author of American Neolithic, to the show to discuss the seminal dystopian book, 1984 by George Orwell. Robyn has found us an authentic take on Victory Gin. Will any listeners be brave enough to try it?

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Clone Club: Orphan Black, The Next Chapter with Heli Kennedy

January 23, 2020

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds welcome Heli Kennedy, one of the writers from Orphan Black: The Next Chapter to chat about the amazing show, Orphan Black, and the SerialBox continuation, a serialized audiobook. We're drinking the "Clone Club Martini", a black drink fitting for this grim-dark thriller audiobook. We had a fascinating conversation with Heli, both a writer and fan of the Orphan Black universe. If you're a fan of the show, this is a can't miss episode of Tipsy Nerds. If you aren't yet a fan of the show, come listen and you soon will be!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Black Company with Guest J Todd Scott

January 16, 2020

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds welcome guest J Todd Scott, author of The Far Empty and other books, to discuss the gritty fantasy novel The Black Company by Glen Cook. Listen to the episode to learn why Todd picked this dark fantasy novel that centers around a band of mercenaries. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Tipsy Nerds Welcome 2020—New Year Special

January 09, 2020

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds welcome a new year with a look back at the year 2019, the year TNBC was born, and a look ahead at what 2020 has in store. New books, movies and more stories! And Robyn reveals her celebrity crush—a very special Tipsy Nerd moment not to be missed by fans of the show.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

It’s a Marshmallow World with Special Guest D.A. Xiaolin Spires

December 19, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Celebrating the holiday season Tipsy Nerds style, TNBC welcomes author D.A. Xiaolin Spires to the show to sip eggnog and discuss her short story, Marshmallows, a story that first appeared in Clarkesworld magazine in December 2018. The story features a dystopian world that people can conveniently "unsee" via augmented reality. We created two cocktails for this episode, a sweet and delicious Marshmallow-tini and a smooth, not-too-sweet, eggnog with a hint of ginger. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Speculation, Fandom & Kicking Ewoks: Star Wars, The Rise of Skywalker

December 12, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Join the Tipsy Nerds and their guest and Star Wars expert, CD Tavenor, as they let their fan flags fly over Star Wars and partake in wild speculation about the long-awaited final episode of the saga, the Rise of Skywalker. Each of the Nerds sips a different cocktail this week, from coffee drinks that will soothe the soul to the General, Natalie's ode to General Leia Organa. *No ewoks were harmed in this episode ;-)

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Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Plagues, Pestilence and Wassail: Doomsday Book

December 05, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Celebrating the holidays Tipsy Nerds style, in this episode, the Nerds discuss Doomsday Book by Connie Willis. In the future, an Oxford history student time travels to merry old plague-infested England during the Christmas holidays. The Nerds are cooking up a seasonal drink with a rich history. Gather round the wassail bowl and get your medieval on with the Tipsy Nerds.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Whiskey, Arachnids and War: Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein

November 21, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney with Guest KJ Kabza

This week the Nerds are back to the NPR Top 100 list with a seminal and controversial military Sci-Fi read: Starship Troopers by Robert A. Henlein (1959). The Nerds thought a manly cocktail was essential for this manly book about futuristic paratroopers that get jettisoned from a spaceship instead of a plane. Robyn has cooked up a “Citizen's Sazerac”, a lovely blend of cognac, rye whiskey, and bitters, and author guest KJ Kabza joins the nerds for a lively discussion.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Writers, Books and Booze: Our Favorite Books for Keyboard Monkeys

November 14, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

November is National Novel Writing Month (also known as NaNoWriMo). In support of all the writers tapping the keys this month, the Nerds share their list of favorite books on writing—ones that teach as well as ones that inspire. Write on!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Sipping Chianti with Hannibal: Silence of the Lambs

October 31, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds are sipping wine and a deliciously Halloweeny drink for this episode as they discuss one of the best thrillers ever written, Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Season 2 Begins Big: Lord of the Rings

October 24, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Welcome to Season 2 of the Tipsy Nerds Book Club podcast! The Nerds are starting it out with a fan favorite and Robyn's as well, The Fellowship of the Ring from the Lord of the Rings series. Tune in to hear about the special drink for this episode as well as what makes this Robyn's all-time favorite book.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Best of Tipsy Nerds Season 1

October 17, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney with guest CD Tavenor

Tipsy Nerds have completed their season 1 so it's time to relive the fun! The Tipsy Nerds welcome back guest co-host CD Tavenor to chat about the best books, drinks and episodes of Season 1, as well as behind-the-scenes goofs listeners haven't heard about, and look forward to Season 2.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Bestselling Author Darynda Jones, A Coffee Martini and Talking to the Dead: First Grave on the Right

September 26, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds welcome NYT Bestselling author Darynda Jones to the pod as they sip coffee martinis inspired by Darynda's book, First Grave on the Right, the first in a thirteen book series. The Nerds took a departure from the NPR Top 100 Sci-Fi & Fantasy list for this one, and happily devoured Jones' smart, funny and sexy story.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

New Dystopian Fiction: How We Became Wicked by Alexander Yates

September 12, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney with Alexander Yates

The Tipsy Nerds happily veer off of the NPR Top 100 list for this episode as they welcome author guest, Alexander Yates, to discuss his new release, How We Became Wicked. The Nerds are drinking Tang Mimosas and chatting with the author about his fascinating life living abroad, and the inspiration for his new book with a twist even the jaded reader book nerds didn't see coming.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Tipsy Nerds Love Book to Screen Adaptations: Getting Psyched for the Witcher, Watchmen & More

September 05, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds chat about upcoming book to screen adaptations while drinking some wine and bourbon. Getting psyched for new shows such as HBO show based on the Watchmen, and new stories set in the Game of Thrones universe; other offerings from Amazon, Netflix and more such as The Witcher, Chronicles of Narnia and more. Nerd out over these upcoming shows and let us know what you're pumped to see.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Snake Tattoos, Epic Bookstores and Wine: Good Omens Series

August 22, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds follow up their episode 12 in which they discussed the book, Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, with a very tipsy chat about the Amazon Prime series by the same name. The Nerds are cosplaying the angels in this one and having a very good time talking about one of their favorite shows to hit the small screen this year.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Left Hand of Darkness

August 08, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds continue to nibble their way through the NPR Top 100 Sci-Fi & Fantasy books and this week they feature a book that they both wish they had read sooner—The Left Hand of Darknesss, by Ursula K. LeGuin. The story takes place on a planet called Winter, and the Nerds are sipping tasty, cold Guiness this week while they fan girl over their new favorite author. And this week, additional notes and a cool, rare interview with Ursula K. Le Guin can be found on the blog page of the Tipsy Nerds website:

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

A Silence of Three Parts: The Name of the Wind

July 25, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds are drinking the "Waystone Inn Special," a tasty bourbon-maple drink inspired by The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. The Nerds chat about the most recently written book to make it onto the NPR Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy books of all time. Hear what the Tipsy Nerds like most about NoTW, and how this book broke a lot of rules on its way to super stardom.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Thunderbolts and Lightning: Good Omens

July 11, 2019

Tipsy Nerds - Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds add a worthy title that did not make it onto NPR's list of the 100 best. This week they discuss Good Omens, a book first released in 1990 and co-written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, and which Amazon Originals has made into a mini-series for TV. This week, the Nerds are drinking a cocktail with ingredients recommended by listeners. The drink is called "Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of This World, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan, and Lord of Darkness." Despite the name, it's a lovely drink based on tea and gin, two very British ingredients to go with this very British book.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Welcome to Earth! Independence Day Special Edition

July 03, 2019

Tipsy Nerds Book Club - Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds take a break from books to chat about the Science Fiction film Independence Day, and welcome special guest Shannon Orso, Literary Agent and founder of Victresse Literary. The featured drink is a beautiful red, white and blue shooter we're calling "Welcome to Earth" in honor of Will Smith's great scene with an alien. Happy Independence Day people of Earth!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Ender's Game

June 27, 2019

Tipsy Nerds - Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

In this episode of Tipsy Nerds, the nerds enjoy drinks inspired by the "Giant's Table," a game played by Ender Wiggin in Orson Scott Card's Hugo and Nebula winning book, Ender's Game. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Looking Through Molly Million's Eyes

June 13, 2019

Tipsy Nerds - Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney with Guest CD Tavenor

The Tipsy Nerds welcome guest co-host CD Tavenor, author of First of Their Kind, as they nerd out over the seminal cyberpunk novel, Neuromancer by William Gibson. The drink of the week is a refreshing cocktail called "Molly Million's Eyes," inspired by the Tipsy Nerds' favorite character in the book.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Game Over! Recap (and Commiseration) of Last Season of Game of Thrones

June 06, 2019

Tipsy Nerds, Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

In this Tipsy Nerds extra episode, the Tipsy Nerds have a glass of wine together and discuss the ups and downs of the last season of HBO's powerhouse show, The Game of Thrones. They commiserate over the missed opportunities, loose ends and skeletal writing, but also relive some of their favorite parts of the long-running show. The Tipsy Nerds also look forward to new book-to-television shows coming out soon including Good Omens (written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, coming May 2019 on Amazon Prime Video), and Watchmen (Fall 2019, HBO), based on the graphic novel of the same name by Alan Moore (and discussed in Episode 7 of Tipsy Nerds Book Club podcast).

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Who Will Watch the Watchmen?

May 30, 2019

The Tipsy Nerds - Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

In this episode, Tipsy Nerds Robyn Dabney and Natalie Wright enjoy a smooth black and white cocktail they call "Vigilante Justice" while chatting about the graphic novel Watchmen, written by Alan Moore. Even if you have never read a graphic novel before and never intended to, the Tipsy Nerds will convince you that this one is a must read for all fans of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

The Turtle Moves!

May 16, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

In this episode of Tipsy Nerds Book Club, the tipsy nerds discuss Small Gods by Terry Pratchett, book 13 in the Disc World series published in 1992. The Tipsy Nerds chat about the wonderful satire and philosophy in the book while sipping a delicious melon-flavored cocktail inspired by the melon patches that character Brutha tends—and the melon rinds that the small god Om likes to eat. The Tipsy Nerds find another towel connection and begin to wonder if it's a British inside joke!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Get on Your Dragons and Ride!

May 09, 2019

The Tipsy Nerds - Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds sip a Golden Scale cocktail inspired by the featured book, Dragonflight, the first book in the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey. Tasty cocktails and riding on the back of a dragon—what's not to like? Listen to hear what the Tipsy Nerds thought of this NPR Top 100 book. 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Get Your Wool Pads, We're Going to Cleaning, with Special Guest Hugh Howey

May 02, 2019

Natalie Wright, Robyn Dabney, Hugh Howey

Hugh Howey is the special guest this week on Tipsy Nerds Book Club. The Tipsy Nerds discuss Hugh's international bestseller, Wool, and Hugh's adventures while sailing around the world in his boat, Wayfinder. This week's featured cocktail is a flaming, layered shooter inspired by the stratified world of the silo, and is called the "Silo 17". Natalie is sipping a new take on an Old Fashioned, Hugh's cocktail of choice, while Hugh grabbed what was in the fridge at 6 am! Stay tuned until the end for the May contest announcement.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Don’t Panic! The Tipsy Nerds Guide to the Universe

April 25, 2019

The Tipsy Nerds - Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds feature The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and compare the iconic, British book to both the mini-series and movie by the same name. The drink of the episode is, of course, the best cocktail in the galaxy, the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster! Grab your towel, don't panic, and prepare for your head to feel like your brains have been smashed by a lemon peel wrapped around a gold brick! 

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Androids May Not Dream, But They do Drink Bourbon

April 18, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

The Tipsy Nerds discuss Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, as well as Bladerunner (1982) and Bladerunner 2049 (2017), and drink Chablis wine and bourbon.

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Huzzah! Winter is Coming: A Game of Thrones

April 11, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Join the Tipsy Nerds as they create and sip cocktails inspired by a fan favorite, A Game of Thrones. Robyn enjoys some soul-warming Winter is Coming Mulled Wine to honor the men of the Night's Watch. Natalie savors a Blood of My Blood Bloody Mary while pondering how Cercei Lannister may meet her end in the series (dragon fire anyone). The two tipsy nerds pose intriguing questions for listeners and fans of the series while chatting about their favorite characters to love—and hate!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Tipsy Nerds Book Club

Welcome to Tipsy Nerds Book Club

March 10, 2019

Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney

Welcome to Tipsy Nerds Book Club, your home for the best of Science Fiction and Fantasy! In this episode, show hosts Natalie Wright and Robyn Dabney invite you to join them as they set out on a quest to read all of the NPR top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy novels. The twist? They’ll recreate a cocktail from each book (or create a cocktail inspired by the book), and drink it during the podcast!

Listen to this Welcome Episode to learn more about Tipsy Nerds Book Club podcast—and how you can be a part of it!

Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook, and let us know your thoughts on any of the media mentioned in our shows.

Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes so you never miss an episode: Tipsy Nerds on iTunes

Want to support this free content and ensure that we keep bringing you guest authors, fun conversation and cocktail recipes? Hop on over to Patreon and become a patron of the show. We appreciate the support of every patronage tier!

You can learn more about Tipsy Nerds Book Club, the show hosts, get recipes for the cocktails and more over on the Tipsy Nerds website. Check it out here.

And stay tuned for more to come!

“Two tipsy nerds, one great story.”

Friday, November 2, 2018

NaNoWriMo 2018: Diary of a Novel in Progress

November 1, 2018

It has begun.

The madness that is writing a novel in a month.

The month of November no less, a month in which most Americans plan on at least two days of vacay with family and friends to indulge in feasts, football and holiday shopping. That mere thirty days quickly shrinks to twenty-eight, possibly twenty-five once a writer factors in Thanksgiving, Black Friday and recovering from the two!

In order to succeed and "win" NaNoWriMo, we can't dwell on how little time we have, but must instead forge forward. It starts at the beginning, even if the beginning you write is the end.

That's how my NaNo began this year. Having no outline or plan—just a general idea of some intriguing characters floating around in my subconscious—I began writing at the end.

When the best way out is through (to paraphrase Robert Frost), then maybe the best way to begin is to know where the "out" is.

At least that's what I'm hoping.

Onward to day 2.

November 2, 2018

It was a shaky start, and I still feel like what I've written is mostly shite that will be axed completely. Perhaps it's because I'm writing by the seat-of-my-pants this year, with no outline or plotting ahead of time. Or maybe it's because though I've written some short stories and other bits and pieces this year, I have not written a novel in over a year so I'm rusty.

At the same time, I have to say I'm enjoying the process more than I have for a while. It's coming from the subconscious and imagination. I'm feeling my way into the story. 

The word count at the end of day 2 stands at 3417. I'm a wee bit ahead of the target. That's a good thing because I've got a comic-con all weekend so I may not be able to write for a few days. 

I hope I can eke out some time, though, because more important than the number of words is the fact that after even two days in a row, I'm starting to "feel" the story. I don't want to break the spell!

How is your NaNo coming along?

Thursday, November 1, 2018

NaNoWriMo Tips: An Ongoing List of Writing Tips & Links to Helpful Articles

Whether you’re writing your first novel this month during NaNoWriMo, or maybe writing your tenth, I’m reserving this space to gather helpful tips and ideas I’m gathering from across the net. If you have a helpful tip or link, please add it in the comments. :-) I’ll keep adding to this over the month.

Having trouble kickstarting your creativity? I found this post quite encouraging. It helped me understand why the daily writing habit (which I'm out of at the moment but hoping NaNo will change that) is so important. 

Creative Flow and Brain Wave States by Suzanne Murry

Incidentally, I’ve been using music with embedded brain wave stimulation for years. If you’re interested in trying it, I recommend Solfeggio Harmonics by Source Vibrations (link takes you to iTunes (not an affiliate link).

Monday, October 29, 2018

Ready, Set, Write! NaNoWriMo 2018

Photos via Green Chameleon, Thought Catalog & Raw Pixel
It’s no secret.

I’ve had a wicked-bad case of writer’s block for the better part of a year now.

Or perhaps “writing block” isn't the best way to describe it. Maybe it's more of a “finishing block.”

I’ve started over a dozen short stories and three separate novels in the past twelve months.

I’ve finished a grand total of 0.

I’ve completed six novels in six years. This dry spell is not typical for me.

The good news is that I have identified some of the gremlins gunking up my works. I’m got a plan on how to eradicate the little buggers (at least for now).

One of the best ways I know to get back into anything—exercise, healthy eating, writing—is to just get back on the horse and ride every single day.

Last week my post was about how to get and keep fans. One of the three points was about consistency (you can see the full post here). I have failed at my goal of greater writing consistency this year, but I'M NOT GIVING UP!!

Over the past ten years of my writing journey, I’ve learned that there aren’t many hard and fast rules in the world of writing. But there is one, and I’ll state here as black letter law:

There is no limit to the amount of editing you can do to a draft, but you absolutely cannot edit a draft that does not exist.

And this is where NaNoWriMo comes in. I “won” NaNoWriMo (I’ll use WriMo from here on) in both 2011 and 2012. I produced two finished novels from my work in those two WriMo years (Emily’s Trial was published in 2012 and Emily’s Heart in February 2014).

One of the great benefits of WriMo is the commitment the writer makes to herself to write every day (or nearly so) for a month. I recall feeling that it was easier to stay focused on the story because I was firmly planted in it by writing every day.

For me, stopping and starting while working on a novel can cause stall outs that turn into long-term parking. Perhaps you can relate to this.

My writing is rusty right now. I’ve been out of the daily writing habit for over nine months. Every day, I’m staring at a blank screen. I’ve full on planned three different novels (one of them I have outlined five different times!). Talk about a stall out! I’ve talked myself into assuming the story would suck before I’ve even written it.

The thing is, I know better. I talk with writers at comic cons and book festivals frequently, and the advice I give is to keep pushing through. Don’t read back over what you’ve written because you’ll talk yourself into thinking it sucks and not worth continuing. 

I know this because I’ve done it, but learned not to. That’s how I produced six novels (rather than giving up on the first and never writing again, something I know lots of people have done).

I know that I’m not alone; that the fear of the blank page affects most writers, even capable and experienced ones. (Check out this bit of advice from one of my favorite authors, Barbara Kingsolver.)

The bottom line: I refuse to give up on the stories cawing at me like crows from pillars in my mind. This year I’ll use WriMo as a tool to get back on the horse and ride.

Are you with me?

Who else is doing NaNoWriMo this year? 

Drop a line in the comments if you've done NaNo before and let us know how it went? Any hints or tips?

And if you're a WriMo "virgin", shout out your intention to give it a try this year.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Hey Writer Lady—How do You Get and Keep Fans

Photo via Unsplash by James Pond

A few months ago, follower Nick asked me on Twitter:

Any advice for aspiring creators on how you get/keep fans (without pandering)?

What a great question.

As soon as I read Nick’s tweet, I knew that I couldn’t answer it in a single tweet. I also immediately thought, “I wish I knew the answer to his question!”

If getting and keeping fans were easy, there wouldn’t be such a long list of one-hit wonders and endless lists of “where are they now” slideshows on Buzzfeed.

As I considered Nick’s question, what immediately came to mind was a quote from legendary dancer and choreographer, Martha Graham, a woman who transformed dance:

Martha Graham by Yousuf Karsh (1948)
There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium, and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.

Writers are often looking for that elusive combination that will lead to the best-seller—the next big thing. They imagine themselves the next George RR Martin, JK Rowling, Stephen King, John Grisham or maybe Patterson.

While there is nothing wrong with aiming high or hoping to have the next breakout novel (or song, or dance, etc.), chasing someone else’s tail is a losing game from the start.

I’ve been creating things nearly my whole life, and now at half a century and counting, I can say without the doubt that the more I follow Martha Graham's advice above, not only am I more content in life, but my work is more successful as well.

Look inside anything highly successful, and you'll be sure to find a person or people following their individual muse as they seek answers to their own questions. Each of us indeed is unique. When we unplug from the noise, ignore the inner and outer critics, and focus on that little voice inside that nudges us toward creation—then and only then do we create art.

Okay, you say, fair enough Natalie, but how do I get and keep fans?!

It is as simple—and ridiculously difficult—as this:

Consistently create content that you are passionate about.

Let’s break that down a bit.

1. Create content…

First, you need to have content. What do I mean by content? From blog posts to articles, poems to novels and short stories, songs, videos, social media memes, and posts, or any other creative content. The saying goes that “content is king.”

When getting ready to post or share any content, ask yourself this question: “Does this entertain, inform or provoke thought?” This is another way of saying, “Is it engaging?” If the content you created doesn’t help people in some way (i.e., entertain, educate, inform, etc.), then consider if you need to share/publish it. Not everything we create needs to be given voice to an audience wider than one.

2. With Passion…

If you are a creative person building a brand, you need to build your brand around something you are passionate about. You will spend countless hours talking about your product/idea. It’s something you may be working on for years. 

And, if you aren’t passionate about it, why should anyone else be?

Consider the Harry Potter franchise of books. Do you think JK Rowling was anything less than 100%+ into her story? Her passion for the characters and world she created is evident on every page. And that passion for her work comes through in her writing (and of course has led to a devoted following).

If you are new to creative work, take the time that you need to consider what it is that you are passionate about. What do you want to say? What is your unique contribution to the world?

Find the heart of your work, then throw yourself into it 100%+.

3. Consistently.

True confession, this is likely the hardest part of the formula for me. Being consistently productive can be difficult. Passion is great, but consistency takes planning and hard work.

Life can lead to setbacks, shifting priorities and unexpected pitfalls. (For example, my broken foot last year!)

Consistency may be the setback experienced by all those one-hit wonder creators out there.

As difficult as it is to have a bestseller, it can be even more difficult to have two.

Writers such as John Grisham, Robert Patterson, Nora Roberts, Stephen King, and Danielle Steele are like freaks of nature. These writers have not only (1) found their passion, but they (2) consistently produce works in their chosen niche year after year.

This is damned difficult to do.

Some creatives like to dabble in this genre and then try that one. There’s nothing inherently wrong with trying new things (and if you are a young/newbie at being creative, you definitely SHOULD dabble). 

But swerving from lane to lane is generally not a viable way to create—and keep—a fan base. Creating and maintaining fandom should not be confused with the creative process itself.

If you are fortunate enough to gain fans of your work, they will want more of whatever it is that you create. And they’ll want it often, or at least know that it’s coming their way.

To sum it all up, I’ll leave you with this:

Consistently create work that you are passionate about.

That is the first—and most important—step to creating and keeping a fandom of your work.

Do you have any tips for Nick and others about creating and keeping a fan base?

If you are part of a fandom, what keeps you coming back for more of your favorite book/movie/art/music?

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An Interview with Hugh Howey, author of Wool

Hugh Howey Author of Wool Robyn and I were super thrilled to have the opportunity to interview bestselling author Hugh Howey for our Ma...