Friday, May 11, 2012

Summer Teen Reading Party with Emerald Barnes & A Giveaway!

Happy Friday! Please welcome my guest, Emerald Barnes, to this Friday edition of the Summer Teen Reading Party. Emerald is the author of Read me Dead - a fascinating title that makes me want to find out what it's all about! Recently I had a chance to chat with Emerald and this is what she had to say.

NATALIE WRIGHT (NW): Do you have any news to share about your work?

EMERALD BARNES (EB): I recently published a new YA Romantic Suspense, Read Me Dead, at the end of April, and I’m working on a new YA series and a women’s fiction novel.

NW: What books have you written so far?

EB: I’ve written a novella, Piercing Through the Darkness, and a full-length novel, Read Me Dead.

NW: What was the inspiration for your book?

EB: The inspiration for Piercing Through the Darkness was one of my first short stories I’d ever written.  I had this vision of a young woman running from someone who wanted to kill her for a crime she believed she didn’t commit.

Read Me Dead was based on a dream I had about a young girl telling a secret, a secret that could get her killed.

NW: What is your favorite scene from your book and why?

EB: There are so many of my favorites to choose from.  But in Read Me Dead, I have to say, I believe that it was when Alexia, my main character, finally tells her best friends her secret.  The secret she’s kept for seven years, that she knew who killed her parents.

NW: What genre do you write in?

EB: I generally write in the YA genre, but I’m branching out to women’s fiction.  Also, I’m working on a YA paranormal series when I usually write suspense.

NW: Which book do you wish you had written?

EB: The Hunger Games Trilogy!  It is simply brilliant!

NW: If you walked through a portal to dimension without books, what three books do you want to take with you?

EB: Oh man.  That’s such a tough question!  Hunger Games, To Kill a Mockingbird, and any of the new Doctor Who books.

NW: Describe your perfect Saturday.

EB: Spending the day with my nieces and nephew and somehow managing to find some time to relax.

NW: What do you hope readers will take with them from your writing?

EB: I just want them to be transported to another life and live vicariously through my characters.  That’s always been my goal in writing.

Goodreads Summary of Read Me Dead:

Alexia Wheaton’s problems go beyond picking a dress and a date for homecoming.

For seven years, Alex has lived with a painful memory - her parents' horrific murder. As the sole witness, she has kept quiet to protect herself, but when the local newspaper reveals her secret, Alex is plagued with fear that her parents' murderer will soon find her - and silence her forever.

Alex is catapulted into a race against time to save her own life and bring her parents' murderer to justice.

Emerald Barnes, Author
 You can Purchase Emerald's Books here:

And you Can Connect with Emerald Here:

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Piercing Through the Darkness is currently priced at 99cents for the duration of May as a special promotion for the Summer Teen Reading Party!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. There's no particular genre I prefer in the summer, as long as I enjoy the book...


    1. Thank you for stopping by and happy reading

  2. Thanks for commenting! I quite agree with you on that! As long as it's fun to read! :)

  3. I enjoyed the interview.


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