Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Teaser Tuesday: Preparation for the Killing Time

This teaser Tuesday is brought to you by Emily's House, Book 1 of the Akasha Chronicles. This is from Chapter 33, entitled "The Sword of the Order". Check it:

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“That sword have no owner but was used by last High Priestess of the Order of Brighid.”
“Yes, and many priestesses before her. Like the torc on your arm, it was crafted by the Fair Sidhe for the Order of Brighid.”
I practiced swinging, thrusting and flying with the beautiful sword in my hand. It felt like an extension of my arm, like it was a part of me.
“Miss Emily ready for next combat lesson?”
“Yes,” I said as I continued to practice my moves.
“For a true warrior, life is sacred. A warrior with honor never kills unless she must. But when she must kill, a warrior is prepared to take the life of another – or to die – if honor requires it. Are you prepared to take the life of another? Could you kill Dughall if necessary?”
I hadn’t thought of that. Up to that point my mission had been a bit abstract. Kill someone? The thought hadn’t crossed my mind.
It’s not like I’m against a person killing another to save their own life or the life of someone they love, but I never thought I’d be the one doing the killing. Doubt crept through my blood like a cold, dark shadow.
“I don’t know Madame Wong. Honestly, I’m not sure I can kill someone – even someone as bad as Dughall.”
“Even if it were necessary to save the ones you love?”
A scream pierced the air, breaking the icy silence that defined the Netherworld. A high-pitched scream that was familiar but also seemed like it was from a long-forgotten dream.

. . .

If you thought that was fun and would like to read more, you can download samples  of Emily's House at the following stores:


Smashwords*: http://bit.ly/UJuq9M
            *At Smashwords you can download the version of your choice – for Kindle, Nook, iTunes, Kobo, Sony, PDF, etc. AND, here is a coupon code for 50% off Emily's Trial at Smashwords: PC28P

Amazon for Kindle: http://amzn.to/R58yyW

Apple iBookstore: http://bit.ly/UWeGeg


1 comment:

  1. Wow - that's a tantalizing cover. Emily sure looks intense. Interesting info in the excerpt too, Write on!! :-)


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