Monday, February 6, 2012

The 3 Best Things about SuperBowl Sunday, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday 2012. One of those days in the year when just about the entire United States is watching the same thing at the same time. A collective experience, perhaps without equal. It's odd when you think about.

A significant portion of the people watching the Super Bowl aren't even regular football fans. People who may watch no other game the whole season sit through the Super Bowl. I wonder why?

Perhaps it's the legacy of "must see" commercials (this year was a yawn). Or the legendary half-time shows (U2, the Rolling Stones and you know we're all just waiting for another nipple incident). The Super Bowl is part of the collective ("We are borg"). Maybe we all watch because we know that it is the thing that everyone will be talking about come Monday and we don't want to be left out of the conversation. Or maybe it's just fun being a part of something.

I'm not a mega football fan. Most of the time I'd rather read the back of a cereal box than watch pro football. But I watch the Super Bowl every year with my hubby, my daughter and even our dog curls up on the couch with us to watch. Here are the highlights for me of the 2012 Super Bowl Sunday:

3. Madonna's halftime show. Some years we are blessed with great bands like the Rolling Stones. No stage show really needed. Just kick back and enjoy the music.
But when Madonna hits the stage, you know she's going to use the whole stadium. It was more like an Olympics opening ceremony than a football game halftime. And that's the way I like it!
I want to see and hear the show and Madonna didn't disappoint.
Okay, the cheerleader part was a bit off.
But like a prayer with my man, Cee Lo Green! Shut up.
Madonna & Cee Lo Green crooning "Like a Prayer," Photo courtesy Mark Humphrey AP

2. Two hits of Cee Lo Green. Not only did we get to experience Cee Lo singing with Madonna (a dream concert ticket for me), but then I got to soak him up after the game on The Voice. I know he didn't sing. But I got to hear him talk and just soak of the Cee Lo-ness of him. My favorite quote of the night: "With the lights out, everyone's the same color." Cee Lo speaking it like it is.

Cee Lo Green The Voice
Cee Lo Green, courtesy NBC
1. And the absolute best part of Super Bowl Sunday? Spending the whole day with my family. Cooking. Eating. Laughing. Watching football and commercials and a blond woman in her fifties rocking the stage. We all experienced the same thing together. What can be better than that?

Did you watch the Super Bowl? What did you think of the halftime show? Did you notice the "finger malfunction"? Tell us about your Super Bowl Sunday experience!

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  1. Ciao :)
    I did not watch the Grand Event; instead, my husband and I tootled around town a bit and marveled at how humanity had all but vaporized. It was bonkers! Like Christmas many, many moons ago when the streets were so clear of traffic one could ride one's skateboard down the middle of a town's main road, our normally cranking beach burg was like a ghost town: cue The Specials Ghost Town here. We then came home, drank wine and devised our own "IT Crowd" and "Deadliest Catch" marathons and watched our vacant beach receive the setting sun :)

    Madonna was a draw for me, though. I shall have to watch her via YouTube. She's a remarkable fixture of popular American culture. It's a pity, though not surprising, how many haters she exposes due to their simple insecurity. To everyone whom discounts Madge simply for being Madge, I'd like to see their best talent show audition, in booty shorts, at fifty-three :D

    1. Your evening sounds wonderful! Your experience in the ghost town sounds like the beginnings of a story ; )
      LOL, you are so right about Madonna! She is a preeminent entertainer - she paved the way for so many. And she's still got it! I want her gold headdress! You'll have to catch it on YouTube then let me know what you think.

  2. You are so right about the Super Bowl experience. I have a good female friend who only watches this game every year. Not a big football fan but she makes a big deal of it with her family every year! The last number with Madonna and Cee Lo was great-there's something about watching a woman my age dance like that that is both tiring and inspiring. :) BTW I never noticed the finger malfunction myself.

    1. I didn't notice the finger either!
      Thanks for stopping by Jeff


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