Monday, July 23, 2012

Manic Monday: A Poem

Let me start today's post by saying this: I am not a poet. I haven't studied poetry since high school (a long, LONG, time ago ;-0 ).

But in order to get my muse cranked up, I will, from time to time, dabble in writing poems.

The following poem is from a scene that has haunted me for a while. I've written a narrative version, but writing it in poetry form helped me tighten the thoughts. Poetry helps me focus on the essential feelings and descriptors.

I don't know where this scene fits in to anything. Not sure what happens before. No clue what comes after. It feels to me, though, like something bad is going to happen.

What do you think? What does this poem/scene evoke for you?

Blackberry bushes

Air thick and
Heat rises from
           the ground.
Out to the brambles,
           bushes full of fruit.

Into the viscous air,
           a languid summer day.
Wrapped from head-to-toe
           in anti tick gear.

Air filled with
Heat rises from
           their faces.
Out to the brambles
           and safety.

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