Friday, February 3, 2012

February Show the Love for Readers Book Giveaway

floral hearts

Enter to win a signed copy of my novel, Emily's House!

Contest rules are super simple. There are two ways to enter.

You can subscribe to my newsletter. Easy. Just go to the top, right side of my blog where it says "Subscribe to our Newsletter" and hit the link.

Don't worry - no spam, ever. I only use this list to inform readers of new releases and advise them of discounts, pre-sales, and such. Your name won't be sold or shared, ever.

Or, way #2, post a comment to one of my blog posts OR a post on my Facebook page. How easy is that?

If you post subscribe to the newsletter list AND make a comment to a blog post, you're entered twice. Subscribe and post a comment on two different posts, entered three times. 

The more entries, the more books. For every 100 entries, I'll add another book.

Contest closes February 29 and winners will be announced here, on the blog, March 1.

**Fine Print**

This contest is open to U.S. residents only. You must be at least 13 years of age to enter. 

That's it! Enter early. Enter often. Spread the news.

Best of Luck!

And to get comments going, enquiring minds want to know, how do you like to celebrate Valentine's Day? (Remember, this blog if for all ages so keep it clean! ; )

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