Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fierce Reading Blog Tour!!!

Come join the fun on my first ever blog tour! The tour runs from 2/16-2/29. Check out these amazing book blogs for reviews of Emily's House, interviews with moi, guest posts and GIVEAWAYS! Lots of Giveaways. Just click on the link & go have fun :-D

February 29 - Last stop on the tour, head over to Jaclyn's Musings for a review and Giveaway! 

February 28- Stop by Celtic Lady's Reviews and read the latest review of Emily's House and check out her very cool site.

Celticlady's Reviews

February 27 - Hop on over to This is From My Heart Book Lovers Paradise for the latest stop on my blog tour. Janeira has a fun interview with moi and other fun stuff. Check it out!

February 24 - Read the latest 5 Star Review of Emily's House and enter a Giveaway at Books Complete Me. And hang around and check out her very wonderful book blog!!

February 23 - Check out my Guest Post at Literary Exploration to hear the true story of what inspired me to write Emily's House! A story that may be stranger than the fiction ;-)

February 22 - Head over to Heather Robbins' awesome blog, SupaGurl Books to read my guest post there and find out my favorite books and more.

SupaGurl Books

February 21 - THREE great blogs to check out. Head on over to Amanda's Writings to enter her awesome domestic and International Giveaway.

Then check out my latest 5 Star Review of Emily's House on Chocolate Coffee Books (what more could we want?!). Thank you Neriah for your read & review.

And then head over to Indie Author How-To and check out Lakisha's blog.

February 20, join me on Lisa Ann Richard's blog, Lisa Loves Books, where you can read her review of Emily's House AND enter her giveaway! So hop on over and join the fun!

February 17, join me on Marlene Frierson's blog, Read with Love where you can read her interview with moi and explore her site to enter giveaways and check out her reviews.

First stop on February 16 is Krystal Larson's cool site Live to Read. Click on the link to read her review of Emily's House and leave a comment on her blog to be entered in a giveaway! And if you leave a comment here to, you'll be entered in two giveaways - how easy is that?

Live to Read

Show the love on these great book blogs by following them and posting comments. These lovely ladies read, review and host giveaways just for the love of books and none of them are paid for hosting their blogs or paid for reviews. So show the love for book bloggers!

And remember, for the entire month of February, post a comment here on any blog post OR post a comment on my Facebook page and you are automatically entered into the February Book Giveaway Contest. Check out this post for complete contest details. Post early. Post often!


  1. I truly wish I were teaching again. Your blog is a great resource. I could tell my students to come here and select a book to read each month. I don't know if teachers do that now...they should. There must be a way to connect with teachers; great way to promote reading with their students who do love to go online.

    Joined your blog. Return the favor and join mine? Thanks. It is a blog on wellness...atypical. I also review books related in any way to wellness (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, social, etc.)

    1. Thank you! I checked out your blog - very nice. We're all linked up now : )
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks, Natalie. I joined your networked blog also...and google join site. We're set. Thanks.


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